DevOps Blog

What is Kubernetes DaemonSet? K8s DaemonSets Explained

3 minute read
Toye Idowu

In this blog post, we will discuss Kubernetes DaemonSet, including what it’s used for, how to create one, and how to work with it, using a simple example. To understand this topic, you’ll need a basic understanding of K8S, Kubectl, and Pods. To best follow along with the demo, you’ll want to have a k8s cluster with multiple nodes.

What is a DaemonSet?

DaemonSets are used to ensure that some or all of your K8S nodes run a copy of a pod, which allows you to run a daemon on every node.

When you add a new node to the cluster, a pod gets added to match the nodes. Similarly, when you remove a node from your cluster, the pod is put into the trash. Deleting a DaemonSet cleans up the pods that it previously created.

Why use DaemonSets?

Now that we understand DaemonSets, here are some examples of why and how to use it:

  • To run a daemon for cluster storage on each node, such as:
    • glusterd
    • ceph
  • To run a daemon for logs collection on each node, such as:
    • fluentd
    • logstash
  • To run a daemon for node monitoring on ever note, such as:
    • Prometheus Node Exporter
    • collectd
    • Datadog agent

As your use case gets more complex, you can deploy multiple DaemonSets for one kind of daemon, using a variety of flags or memory and CPU requests for various hardware types.

How are DaemonSets scheduled?

DaemonSets are scheduled either with DaemonSet controller or default scheduler. Let’s compare:

  • DaemonSet controller. When you specify .spec.nodeName during pod creation, these pods will have the machine already selected. In this type of scheduler, the unschedulable node field is not respected. The scheduler can also create pods without starting the scheduler—this helps cluster bootstrap.
    • By default, this controller is disabled in K8S v1.12+.
  • Default scheduler. Using ScheduleDaemonSetPods allows for scheduling DaemonSets using defaults, not DaemonSet controller. To do this, add NodeAffinity to the DaemonSet pods (instead of .spec.nodeName).
    • By default, the scheduler will replace your DaemonSet pod node affinity if it already exists.

Working with DaemonSets

Like every manifest in K8S, the following fields are required:

  • apiVersion
  • kind
  • metadata

There are certain things to keep in mind when using DaemonSets:

  • When you create a DaemonSet, the .spec.selector cannot be changed. Changing it will break things.
  • You must specify a pod selector to match the .spec.template labels.
  • Typically, you should not create pods with labels that match this selector—either directly via another DaemonSet, or indirectly, via another controller (like ReplicaSet). If you do, the DaemonSet controller thinks it created those pods.

Note that you can deploy a DaemonSet to run only on some nodes, not all nodes. To do so, specify .spec.template.spec.nodeSelector. It will deploy to any node that matches the selector.

Deleting a DaemonSet

Deleting a DaemonSet is simple. Run kubectl delete fluentd-es-demo. This will delete the DaemonSet and its associated pods.

To delete DaemonSet without deleting the pods, add the flag –cascade=false with kubectl.

A DaemonSet example

To show additional fields in the manifest, we’ll deploy this example of fluentd-elasticsearch image that will run on every node. This idea is that we want to have a daemon of this on every node collecting logs for us and sending it to ES.


apiVersion: apps/v1 #required fields
kind: DaemonSet #required fields
metadata: #required fields
name: fluentd-es-demo
k8s-app: fluentd-logging
name: fluentd-es #this must match the label below
template: #required fields 
name: fluentd-es #this must match the selector above
- key:
effect: NoSchedule
- name: fluentd-es-example
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log
- name: varlibdockercontainers
mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
readOnly: true
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- name: varlog
path: /var/log
- name: varlibdockercontainers
path: /var/lib/docker/containers

Now, we’ll run kubectl create -f demo.yaml to deploy the example.

$ kubectl create -f demo.yaml 
daemonset.apps "fluentd-es-demo" created

Make sure it’s running:

$ kubectl get daemonset
fluentd-es-demo   3         3         3         3            3           <none>          59s

Now, let’s see how many nodes we have. Run kubectl get nodes to see the identity of our nodes.

$ kubectl get node
NAME                 STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
node2                Ready     <none>    92d       v1.10.3
node1                Ready     <none>    92d       v1.10.3
node3                Ready     <none>    92d       v1.10.3

Finally, let’s confirm that we have all pods running and to make sure they are running on every node.

$ kubectl get pod -o wide
NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
fluentd-es-demo-bfpf9            1/1       Running   0          1m             node3
fluentd-es-demo-h4w85            1/1       Running   0          1m            node1
fluentd-es-demo-xm2rl            1/1       Running   0          1m           node2

We can see that not only is our fluentd-es-demo pods running, but there is a copy of each on every node.

Additional resources

For more on Kubernetes, explore these resources:

Beginning Kubernetes: Knowledge & Tutorials for Getting Started

In this comprehensive e-book, we take a deep dive into the distributed computing platform Kubernetes, also known as K8s.

These postings are my own and do not necessarily represent BMC's position, strategies, or opinion.

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About the author

Toye Idowu

Olatoye is a Certified Kubernetes Administrator and experienced DevOps/Platform engineering Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and Services industry.