DevOps Blog

The Role of Cloud in DevOps

5 minute read
Stephen Watts

DevOps continues to make waves in the tech industry as a means for powering up software teams into supercharged IT powerhouses. Like Agile did before it, DevOps has become a means for empowering teams to better leverage their time and skills to build, test, and deploy software faster while also increasing the overall quality of each deliverable milestone. The focus of DevOps is to leverage multi-faceted teams of developers and operations professionals that work together to make sure things get done right the first time and projects spend less time getting juggled back and forth between separate teams.

In the pursuit of forging the ultimate DevOps environment, many varied tools and practices are put to use that help bolster communication, collaboration, and data transparency. One of the primary pursuits of DevOps tools is utilizing the power of automation to help speed up rote processes and reduce downtime. The focus of DevOps is to get more work done in less time without burning out your teams. Automation and transparency go a long way in propping up these goals and enabling teams to focus on the things that really matter.

DevOps is a cultural shift in how software enterprises structure their teams and operate on a daily basis. This means DevOps isn’t just a piece of software or a detailed best practices guide. However, DevOps is supported by software and technology that helps infuse teams with the tools they need to function in the desired way. While DevOps isn’t simply a bit of tech you can install on company hardware, there are some bits of tech that will help lubricate the entire operation into a well-oiled machine.

Where Does the Cloud Come In?

The cloud is one of those bits of technology that aids in just about every step of a successful DevOps operation. Cloud computing enables collaboration without all the downtime of sending files back and forth to team members. The cloud, along with other smart pieces of tech like version control, allows for simultaneous development to occur enabling teams to avoid stepping on each other’s shoes in the complex dance that is software development. Not only that but cloud computing also provides means for teams to collaborate with each other from across the globe and without having to drive out to the office any time a change needs to be made.

The cloud also allows for easily building to experimental test environments for quickly prototyping solutions without the expense and headache of physical hardware. No more housing physical servers and regularly upkeeping them just in case you need it later. The cloud even enables automated testing that can be performed in simulated environments that are indistinguishable from live environments. This frees up DevOps team members for doing the work that only humans can do while freeing them from being bogged down by monotonous tasks that are prone to human error. DevOps is all about making the most of your resources and the cloud provides similar benefits.

Cloud computing makes the implementation of DevOps simpler by empowering each step of the development lifecycle. Through clouds, applications can be built and tested on various environments at will thanks to kernels and virtualization. Removing the need for physical machine tests increases time savings, in addition, to cost reductions due to the on-demand nature of cloud technology. The beauty of the cloud and other software as a service (SaaS) platforms is the fact that you only pay for what you need when you need it.

Secure Cloud Platforms for DevOps

Secure cloud gateways provide users with the ability to access enterprise resources from any location and any device without compromising the security of the network itself. Providing constant access allows for unparalleled collaboration as well as the ability to utilize professional contract workers from across the globe to infuse your teams with some much-needed expertise. While letting users access your network from their own devices might seem scary at first glance, modern cloud platforms come with built-in security stacks that help provide your administrators with the tools they need to maintain security.

As cloud computing grows in prevalence and becomes more commonplace, more companies are vying for your business and options go up as prices go down. Currently, there are a wealth of options out there all with their own pros and cons so when you decide to make the jump to the cloud make sure you do your due diligence. Planning is an important aspect of adopting any new piece of technology or practice into your enterprise and the cloud is no different.

Another important thing to keep in mind when moving to the cloud is making sure it’s easy for everyone on the team to use and ensuring they understand the need for it. Driving adoption becomes much easier when team members can get on board with the changes by understanding how it can help them do their job better and easier. DevOps emphasizes the importance of communication and there is no better time than now to begin adopting the culture of transparency.

Make sure you keep tabs on progress as you make the shift to the cloud and, as always, set realistic goals and track metrics to get detailed information on your progress. Understanding what you’re getting out of your investments is the best way to ensure you maximize their value and constantly strive to improve upon your systems. Detailed metrics will help you see when something isn’t working out and give you insight into why. Armed with this information, you can make the right fixes and guarantee your own success.

DevOps: Solutions for You

If DevOps sounds like a good fit for your organization’s needs but you want to make sure you get it right the first time, BMC is the IT solution partner you need. Read more about how the cloud and DevOps automated systems can help increase the rate at which you deploy products with BMC’s free eBook: Automate Cloud and DevOps Initiatives.

For more information avoiding hidden costs and maximizing your enterprise’s return on their cloud investment, check out BMC’s eBook: Five Steps for Successfully Managing Your Cloud Costs. BMC provides tools for managing and implementing cloud systems such as their Multi-Cloud Management services. Whether you are just getting started using cloud computing for your enterprise or you’re migrating over into a multi-cloud setup, BMC has the tools and expertise you need to ensure you get the most out of your DevOps investments.

In addition to cloud management tools, BMC offers consulting and implementation services. BMC’s expert consultants are available to work with you to bring their knowledge and expertise to your organization. BMC provides custom-tailored Implementation Services for your organization to tackle the unique challenges you face. When partnering with BMC, you get:

  • Faster service delivery: Agile releases that keep up with rapid demand
  • Visibility across data: Ensure compliance and data accuracy
  • Cost-effective service: Increased productivity and performance
  • Experienced DevOps professionals: Equip you with the tools you need for success
  • Conversion or upgrade: Seamless modernization or total replacement
  • All tailored for the specific needs of your organization.

Download or view the Solution Implementation Overview online to learn more about how BMC Consulting Services can help you. Learn more about how DevOps and Application Deployment best practices can enable your teams to create better software faster than ever before. Then contact the experts at BMC to learn more about how you can incorporate the power of the cloud into your DevOps practices for enhanced building, testing, and deployment success.

Free Download: Enterprise DevOps Skills Report

Human skills like collaboration and creativity are just as vital for DevOps success as technical expertise. This DevOps Institute report explores current upskilling trends, best practices, and business impact as organizations around the world make upskilling a top priority

These postings are my own and do not necessarily represent BMC's position, strategies, or opinion.

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About the author

Stephen Watts

Stephen Watts (Birmingham, AL) has worked at the intersection of IT and marketing for BMC Software since 2012.

Stephen contributes to a variety of publications including, Search Engine Journal, ITSM.Tools, IT Chronicles, DZone, and CompTIA.