Apache Spark 101 Apache Spark does the same basic thing as Hadoop, which is run calculations on...
Author - Walker Rowe
An Introduction to Hive
Overview Hive is very similar to Apache Pig. What it does is let you create tables and load...
An Introduction to Hadoop Analytics
Hadoop Analytics 101 Apache Hadoop by itself does not do analytics. But it provides a platform and...
Introduction to Apache Pig
Apache Pig 101 Apache Pig, developed at Yahoo, was written to make it easier to work with Hadoop...
Using Hadoop with Apache Cassandra
Overview of Cassandra Cassandra is a noSQL opensource database.It was developed by Facebook to...
An Introduction to Hadoop Architecture
Overview Hadoop is a distributed file system and batch processing system for running MapReduce jobs...
An Introduction to HDFS
HDFS namenodes and datanodes Hadoop includes two main pieces: a distributed architecture for...
Introduction to Hbase
Overview Hbase is the open source implementation of Google’s Big Table database, which is where...
An Introduction to Apache Yarn
Apache Yarn 101 Here we describe Apache Yarn, which is a resource manager built into Hadoop. But it...
Introduction to Apache Flume
Flume 101 Apache Flume reads a data source and writes it to storage at incredibly high volumes and...